'RISE' Business Mentorship
3 - 6 months of Spiritual Growth & Ascension
Are you ready to RISE up to your highest potential?
Are you ready to take that leap of faith into new unchartered waters, aligning with the flow state?
Are you ready to stand into your truth and purpose with complete love & trust?
Are you ready to grow beyond all of your limited beliefs & ascend into your highest self?
This Business Mentorship is for all light workers, yoga teachers, energy healers, health & wellness practitioners who are ready to take their gifts & offerings into the world part or full-time. ​
During this mentorship you will receive:​
Your own personal medicine bundle based on your DOB
A personal & business numerology reading
Business start-up mentoring
Marketing, social media & customer service education
Ongoing 1on1 support sessions
Design advice on logo, branding & marketing
A new website design (if required)
You will learn how to:
How to operate your business consciously, so that it is in alignment with your values, ethics & spirit
Write a business plan / forecast?
Manage your website, social media & emails
Set up & manage a booking system
Build your business so it is sustainable
​​In the initial stages we will have mini sessions to create & design a mentorship specifically catered to you with all your goals, intentions, life’s prayer & medicine bundle in mind. ​You can start your Mentorship whenever you like and commit to either a 3 or 6 month mentoring period.