Shamanic Reiki Practitioner Training
Level 2 - Embodiment (in-person)
Shamanic Reiki is a spiritual & therapeutic practise that involves a sacred union in ceremony between both the practitioner and client. A sacred and safe space to explore the internal landscapes through feeling, sensing, touching, seeing, hearing & knowing.
An unraveling, unfolding & unfurling of blocked &/or stagnant chi that is stuck old belief systems, patterns, developmental & generational trauma, stored emotions, fears, grief and suppression. Using our whole body to explore the depths of ones somatic maps to clear, realign, balance, acknowledge and heal.
If the energy stays stuck it can manifest and eventually cause many physical & physiological issues such as; PTSD and the many constructs that can form from there, as well as auto- immune diseases, eating disorders, mental illnesses like depression, anxiety & bipolar etc. and physical illnesses like cancer, tumours, inflammation, heart & digestive problems - just to name a few.
This sacred therapeutic practise is safe, gentle, nurturing, reassuring, comforting, grounded and slow. As in it travels at the pace of which the client is prepared & comfortable with, so we can gently remove layer upon layer to go deeper, befriending and working with all the defences and shadow content that shows up along the way. So we don’t go beyond either and surface what the body is not yet able to process, due to its default defences.
The main objective of Shamanic Reiki is to tap into and work with the nervous system, chakra system, endocrine system & organs. So the intelligence of the body can do what it needs to do to reset, realign & find its back back to its natural rhythm. Reaching optimum health and well-being.
In Level 2 Embodiment – The internal landscapes that we will be exploring and enquiring into will be:
Physical body, Emotional body, Mental Body, Energetic Body
The difference between Japanese Reiki & Shamanic Reiki is that he emphasis on Japanese Reiki is out & up, channeling energy from above being the spiritual heaven/3rd heaven/healing dimension (there are many names for it). Whereas, the emphasis Shamanic Reiki is in and down, channeling the energy from below, being the animistic beings, our ancestors, elemental kingdom, guardians from all directions, divine feminine, masculine and plant allies.
When we work with the spirits and energies that reside on and in the earth they have a deeper sense of safety for the client that you’re working with, which then supports a deeper letting go of the nervous system into the parasympathetic nervous state – the only place the body can heal itself.
So rather than drawing the energy down through the crown and staying in our heads which is creating a split, we draw the energy up through the soles of our feet keeping us embodied and in our power & hearts.
There is no comparison to either, they are just very different ways of working.
During Level Two Embodiment we will explore and learn more about:
Working with the medicine wheel whilst facilitating a Shamanic Reiki Healing
Working with your ancestors and plant allies
4/7 of the layers within the internal landscapes (physical, mental, emotional & energetic)
Earth based Shamanic practises
Bridging the gap between above/below, front/back, left /right
Being a clear conduit and keeping your energy lines open
Embodied Listening & hearing
The chakra system
Cultural Appropriation
This Practitioner Training will run over 3 months in person between January-March, 2022 with -
3 x full day group training workshops
3 x 3hr 1:1 classes
There will also be extensive theory and course material to read in between our 1:1 classes
The pre- requisite of Level 2 Embodiment is:
Shamanic Reiki – Level 1 Fundamentals
There will also be an interview process for those who haven’t worked with me before, which involves receiving a session so that your compatibility with this work can be assessed.
The full cost for Level 2 Embodiment training is $1320
This can be paid in instalments over 3 months - $440 per month
Or over 6 months $220 per month, depending on what you can afford.
Once you have completed Level 2 Embodiment there are growth pathways up to Level 3 – Trauma Sensitive Bodywork & Level 4 – Ceremony & Integration.
During Level 3 – Trauma Sensitive Bodywork we will explore and learn about the internal landscapes of the Soul Body & Psyche Body, as well as Soul Retrieval, complex trauma, hands on bodywork techniques, pranayama, sound medicine and understanding the nervous system on a much deeper level.
During Level 4 – Ceremony & Integration you will learn how to facilitate sacred ceremony, call in the seven directions and most importantly learn how to hold space for the integration process for all deep intensive bodies of work, that being a YTT, this training etc.
This style of Shamanic Reiki is unique and was created from nearly two decades of study, exploration and experience in and with many forms of the healing arts being:
Traditional Japanese Reiki
Hatha, Forest, Yin, Pre/Post Natal & Trauma informed Yoga
Yoga Bodyworkers
Abhyangam Ayurvedic Massage
Inner Body Tracking & Somatic Mapping
Plant Medicines
Ancient Andean Mesa Traditions
Women’s Sacred Moon Wisdom Womb Work
About the facilitator
Justine Sydenham is the creator of this style of Shamanic Reiki. She found and started practicing Reiki from a young age - which led her down many pathways of spiritual and self-discovery, exploring many forms of healing arts all over the world. After teaching & practising traditional reiki for over 15 years she was guided to take a break from this style, to integrate & create space for other wisdoms and teachings to drop in. Where she then found Inner Body Tracking/Somatic Mapping. This therapeutic practise helped her integrate everything she had ever learnt and inspired her to find a new way to merge them all into one practise and body of work that was trauma sensitive in all aspects.
Another reason why she felt called to take a break from traditional Reiki – came from a deeper sense to change her relationship with this practise - to match the huge global changes unfolding on the planet during such strong times. The energy felt too outward and upward and she sensed what we really needed was & is to go inward and downward. If we really want to make everlasting changes and support deeper healing rather than a quick relief, we must go inward and downward to hold ourselves accountable and take ownership of not only ourselves but our ancestral lines, culture, behaviours & relations.
That’s why this sacred therapeutic practise is a sacred union between both the practitioner and client, meeting in the middle. As every encounter in all relations in life is a co-creation, so why not foster, nurture more trauma sensitive & safe ways of co-creation to heal and fulfil our primary instinctual needs as human beings.
From Justine -
This body of work is my life’s findings from a long path of deep longing and searching for a new way – a healthy way that I can rest into during these times of the great turning.
These practises, rituals and tools I have embodied and live. They are my life, my saviour and keep me sane… Through the depths of depression, anxiety, fear & PTSD - I have managed to find a natural healthy way of coping and healing without falling into the systematic ways that suppress and oppress us, that make us feel more alone and sicker than ever…
Let’s all take a deep dive together into the dark corners of our soul to release the deep stored locked away old wells of emotion that we haven’t ever been able to express, that are now keeping us unwell. Let’s open up the flood gates and release the old ways of shutting down, pushing aside, running away from or fighting against and collectively create a new way of being that is open, expressive, healthy, expansive, safe, secure, & accepted to remember our power, rights, gifts, offerings, purpose and light in this world.
It doesn’t have to be hard or harsh or tiring and relentless. There is a way to meet this work with compassion, patience, nurturance and gentle loving touch. After all this is exactly what our systems need. So no more fighting or pushing or striving… Let’s slow down dear ones and take better care of ourselves.
I am honoured to share this work with you, as this has been the very fabric of my healing journey, it has pulled me out of my darkest of hours & guided me back to the light, to emerge into the woman I am & are always becoming. Strong, fierce, passionate, firing, wild & free.
It is my deepest prayer that this sacred energy medicine immersion - in your own way does the same for you & is also a reminder of the strength & courage that you have within to come into your fullness and be who you came here to be.
May we respect & humbly approach this work as necessary right now to heal ourselves, each other, our families, communities & all of humanity.
With love,